Course Overview and Objectives

In Virtual Facilitation 202 we will be taking the roles and responsibilities of the Facilitator to the next level. We'll walk you through how to prepare for and facilitate more substantial virtual meetings, such as a half-day team retreat, planning meeting, or stakeholder forum. We'll look at more advanced techniques for engagement, and consider how to apply those to meetings for various purposes.


In this course we’ll focus on two objectives:

1. Utilizing more advanced techniques such as breakout rooms, collaborative documentation and polls, that will help you keep these longer meetings engaging.

2. Facilitating virtual meetings for different purposes, such as relationship-building, information sharing, brainstorming and decision-making.


Before we get started on your roles and responsibilities as facilitator, let’s talk about upgrading your tools and equipment.

  • Upgrade to your lighting: An inexpensive light can go a long way to ensuring that you show up really well no matter what time of day or night. You can get a desk-top stand or a fully extendable tripod if you’d like to stand while facilitating.
  • Get a standing desk: Not only will this give you more options as a facilitator, but it’s far better for your overall health and well-being! It's incredibly helpful to be able to stand up whenever you'd like and continue to engage, and then lower it back down and sit when you prefer.
  • Get a wall mounted whiteboard or a movable tripod: You can place it behind you so that it's clearly visible on camera. This will give you another option for capturing notes, creating a visual, or even just posting a welcome sign at the beginning of a meeting!

All right - ready to Facilitate? Let's get started!

Watch the video below and then click "Complete and Continue" above to move on to the next section of the course.

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